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Treasured Photo
General "Ike" inscribed this to S/Sgt S. C. Jacobs. 
   He was Samuel C. Jacobs of Company H.
[courtesy of Erik van der Hoeven who says he received it from either Jim Blue or George Lamm]

   Everyone has seen that photo of General Eisenhower talking to a group of paratroopers from the 101st Airborne Division at an airfield in England just prior to the Normandy invasion on June 6, 1944, but not many people have seen a photo of Five-Star General Dwight David Eisenhower discussing events of the day with a lonely, lowly Private First Class from the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment at the I.G. Farben Building in 1945.

 Well, you're looking at one now!

   That lonely, lowly Private First Class is Loren J. White who was appointed as a special guard for General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower at his Headquarters on the second floor of the I.G. Farben Building. PFC White's post was a small glassed-in office just outside the General's office. He was assigned to the Machine Gun Platoon of Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion and had competed with other 508th paratroopers for that special sentry post. He had recently reenlisted and that photo was to be made into a recruiting poster but it never happened.    Loren returned stateside with the 508th in November 1946.  He was the 1st Sergeant of E Company, 504th Airborne Infantry Regiment at Fort Bragg, North Carolina when he received a direct commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Infantry in 1951.
   In 1958 he was integrated into the Regular Army and transferred from the Infantry to the Quartermaster Corps. He retired as a Colonel September 30,1984 after more than 40 years of active service with the Army—that's right, 40 years, 2 months, and 11 days, to be exact!  The accompanying photo of Colonel White was taken several years before he retired.

Col. Loren J. White

prior to retirement 30 Sept 1984
Another Officer To Be
   Daniel J. Zapalski (trooper on left) had been a platoon leader in the 101st in Bastogne. He  transferred to 508th after 101st was deactivated.  Later commissioned, he saw action in Korea and eventually retired as a Major.

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