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Albert Koch (l) and Buddy
enjoy a couple of stogies outside the Heddernheim apartments

Unknown 508er
tucks his T-shirt into his pants

Co D On Parade
on Kronberg grounds

Company D
on the Kronberg parade grounds.  Both photos were taken sometime in 1945

Unknown 508er
same man seen at left with a baseball glove

Lt William F. Knapp
dressed in honor guard garb

B Company Street
was the label that O.B. Hill put on this photo


Leo Purdin & Bill Barrett
sunbathing outside their Heddernheim apartment

Macho Man
Walter Rhodes flexes his biceps for the folks back home ... or  maybe a girlfriend?

Harry Evans
and friends in Heddernheim

SSgt Harry Evans
poses in his Honor guard attire

Hq Hq Team?
An unlabeled photo of John McCall and friends outside the Heddernheim apartments
(courtesy Mary Ann McCall)

TSgt Bob Chisolm
at family quarters, 1946
(courtesy of Bob himself)

T/5 Walter A. Rhodes,
Hq 1st in Frankfurt was later transferred to the 506th PIR

Eugene C. Yott (l) and Walter A. Rhodes
both were in Hq 1st