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probably is TSgt Henry P. Shillinger (note surname spelling)

full name is William T. Flink.  The man on right is unidentified

an unidentified Sergeant stands in doorway of Heddernheim apartments

Harry Gerheim
straddles a G.I. motorcycle

Hurry Up And Wait
a group of men, probably Service Company, stand near a vehicle with C-47 in background

German Rathskeller?
group 508ers pose on staircase for what appears to be a restaurant.  All are unidentified

Hamming For The Camera
[l-r] "Oleo", "Anderson", "Cololleo", "Watts" [Johnny J. Watts?], "Sriers"
Only "Cololleo" [George A. Colello] and "Sriers" [William G. Speirs] have been identified  Other names are either too common (Anderson and Watts) or unknown (Oleo)

Family Visitor
Harry Gerheim with German youth named Peter. Most of his family had been arrested by the Nazi's, or killed during the war.

Lets Go There
508ers checking the signpost have choices of the 85th Field Hospital or going to Bonn and its suburb of Beuel

More Signs
an unidentified trooper stands at the signpost to Kassel

(above photos courtesy of Gerheim family)
G. I. Talent Show
Now Rehearsing

"Three Nights In Charlie's,” a musical comedy staffed by 508th soldier talent is now in rehearsal and will be presented before the regiment at an unscheduled date in the near future.
"Three Nights" was written by Conrad Wolfe, director of soldier theatricals, and will be presented entirely by talent in the regiment. The plot concerns seven paratroopers on furlough who chose to spend three of their nights in Charlie's joint in an effort to clear the fair name of one of their member's father. Things go from bad to worse to better and the whole is well spiced with entertainment of all varieties.
     Pfc. Wolfe stated that with the exception of the leading role and a few of the supporting roles, the cast was as yet not selected. Charles Sturges [Sturgis] of 3rd Bn. Hq. Co. has been picked to play the lead with David Phillips, J. Munson. Thomas MacBlane. Edward Fields, Robert Daniels. Sam Juliano, Forrest Simmons. Erin Bultemeir, Vance Jenkins, Carl Lakes, Vernon Lewis and the author cast in supporting roles.
     Wolfe extended the invitation to all men of the regiment who have entertainment ability or who wish merely to work on the production to look him up at the Special Service office.