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SSgt Pederson
stands at parade rest in the doorway of the apartments.

SSgt Pederson (l)
stands with trooper who may be named Stephens. Both men are from Co I.

Unidentified 508er
seen on the patio of the apartment building.

Edward Corrigan
also sat for the camera on the patio.


Brothers Reunited?
these men are unidentified but seem to bear a strong resemblance to one another.

MP Motorcycle
temporarily appropriated for the camera.  Trooper is unidentified but probably is from Co I.

[l-r] Stach, Osburn and Brodd
all of Co I, are noted on the reverse of this photo. We presume that the man with his back to the camera is the one not identified

was the caption on this shot.  The puppy was not identified.

Lts Weaver and Harsh
Robert J Weaver of Hq 1st (l) stands with Keith R. Harsh, Hq 3rd
(courtesy Rex Combs collection)

Possible ID
of this medic is
Captain Jack Keefe III.
(courtesy Rex Combs collection)

Service Company troopers
[standing] T/5 Thomas J. Gallagher
[front] Pfc Kennedy F. Litton, T/5 Norman J. Deere, T/5 David E. Kuony

(courtesy of Barry Deere)

Heddernheim Amigos
Jose Barrena and unidentified friends outside the apartments

Cpl Carl Nilsen and Pfc George Wampler
both Co E, strike a pose
(courtesy of Steve Gass)

Charles W. Berryhill and James W Freeman
stand outside the Heddernheim apartments
(Courtesy O.B. Hill collection)

Dressed For Guard Duty
[l-r, back row] Tommy Plemon, Cliff Thompson, Jimmy Kumler, unknown
[second row] Robert "Pete" Peterson, Fred Robbins
[front row] Harry Kennedy, James Rankin, Robert Ellis

1/Sgt Leonard Funk and Lt Robert Weaver stand next to what appears to be a decrepit tank

Lts Gordon W. Wahto, John M. Pollock and John Gregory stand outside the office billets


Popular Place
G.I.'s from various units lining up at the pay window, probably anxious to get downtown
Note that the photo is damaged at upper left
(courtesy of Barry Deere)

Even More Popular?
a mural of George Patton adorns a wall that may have been in a Frankfurt Rathskeller.

(courtesy of Barry Deere)

"Dragons Teeth
 on the Siegfried Line near Bitburg, Germany
(courtesy Rex Combs collection)
The Siegfried line (Siegfriedstellung) was a line of forts and tank defenses built by Germany during World War I. The line stretched almost 400 miles with more than 18,000 bunkers, tunnels and tank traps.  The tank traps, AKA "Dragons Teeth" photographed by Captain Rex Combs show signs of age as the cement has broken in many places and the steel reinforcement bars are exposed to the elements.