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Company A Lieutenants
[standing] John P. Foley, Edgar R. Abbott, unknown
[seated] Homer Jones, Arman L. Merriam, Henry E. Lefebvre [front] Herbert Hoffman
(courtesy LeFebvre collection)

Ground School
[l-r] Carol Porter and John Detwiler are "hooked up" outside their barracks

Looking Up
Lt Hoyt Goodale peers skyward as he awaits his flight, perhaps in the transport seen in the rear

Looking Down
Lt Goodale, as jumpmaster, looks for the DZ to be used in this training jump.

Pvt Angelo Ripellino
prepares to rip off a few bursts while rappelling
(courtesy of Irv Shanley)

Joseph Laky and Howard Smith
take a break (note the puttees on Smith)
(courtesy of Irv Shanley)

Demo Training Group?
includes demo officer Robert Abraham (2nd from right) holding an unidentified object.  Captain Boettcher (an instructor?) is at far left, others unknown
(courtesy of Abraham family)

Site Planning
Ok, we have a stream and raw material, let's build a bridge

Finished Product
Good job, I knew you could do it!

Build It & Blow It
Well, that bridge is gone!

Click to read  "Organization, Equipment And Tactical Employment Of The Demolition Platoon"

(above photos courtesy of Abraham family)