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On Pass
back of the photo said "This is the best picture of Laurelli I had, taken at Pinehurst [NC]"
   Louis Laurelli is believed to be on the left, the other man who apparently sent this photo to Bob Abraham, may be the one on the right.
   Cpl Laurelli was KIA on D-Day.
(courtesy of Abraham family)

William Wright (standing). Herbert Schultz and Robert Kiley in the field.  Wright was wounded in Normandy and Schultz and Kiley were both taken prisoner
(courtesy of Irv Shanley) 

Hq Hq Group
all are unidentified
(courtesy of Abraham family)

Gung-ho and Ready To Go
(standing, l-r)
Leslie Green, John Sivetz, Robert Shields, Harry Metcalf
(front) Martin Teahan, James McMahon (all Hq 2nd)

Cpl Robert Speers
(courtesy of Bob Speers)
Pvt Richard H. Thomas
(Hq Hq) shows off his dress uniform
(courtesy of John West)

Pvt Richard Thomas (l) and unidentified buddy
(courtesy of John West)

O. B. Hill
home on leave following hump school and prior to reporting to Camp Mackall