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Co E Formation
standing at parade rest awaiting call to attention, a few look directly at the camera but all are unidentified
[courtesy of Steve Gass]

Co E Formation
the SSgt is believed to be Robert D. Evans who was appointed as 1st Sgt on 3 February 1943.  All others unidentified.
[courtesy of Steve Gass]

Casual Formation
a Hq Hq group gathered on their barrack steps
[l-r] James Rankin, Robert Ellis, Fred Robbins, Marney Tillery, Joel Lander
[courtesy of Jody Lander]

Just Hanging Out
Jim McMahon (l) and Martin Teahan seem to be doing just half of a pull-up

Three Doomed Men
[far left] Joseph B. Wysocki
[center] Roger L. Atherton
[right] Robert W. Benson
Benson and Wysocki were KIA in France, Atherton in Holland

Red Devils Baseball Team
[back row} 4th from left is Forrest "Lefty" Brewer and next is George Shenkle.  The rest are unidentified
[courtesy of Glyn Shipstone]

Don't Mess With Marty!
Pvt Martin Teahan (l) holds down a hapless victim with a foot in the groin and is ready to impale him as well.
   The identities of the other two men is are unknown.

Company H Troopers
(rear)  Theodore Lucht, Robert Benson*, Henning Olson, William Medford*, Edward Christensen*, Lewis Milkovics
(front) William Farmer*, John Judefind*, James Murphy.  Five of these nine men would be lost in combat.

[* = KIA]
(courtesy of Dominique Francois)