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Cover Contents Mother's Love Lamm Recall (1) Lamm Recall (2) Lamm Recall (3) War Dept Warlet Photos HC Photo Rogister Ltr (1) Rogister Ltr (2) Nicole Found Music Memorial Poem Close Credits Returm


Memorandum by Lt. George Lamm Describing Combat actions on December 24th 1944 during which Lt. Thomas Rockwell was fatally wounded

4. U.S. War Department Statement concerning investigation of actions resulting in Thomas Rockwell's death

5. Photographs: Warlet family and Mrs. Rockwell

6. Photograph taken in 1946 by Mrs. Rockwell of 9-year-old Nicole Warlet at Thomas' grave site

7. Letter from Henri Rogister, Belgian historian, to David Ford regarding 1996 search for Nicole Warlet

8. 1996 newspaper article/photo used to locate Nicole Warlet

9. Search is successful! Letter from Nicole to Henri agreeing to meeting and interview

10. Music sheet and song "The Hill of Henri Chapelle"

11. Poem: "Christmas Eve 1944"

12. "Visiting Tommy" then and now — 50 years

13. Research credits and Publishing credits

NOTE:  The Rockwell album was provided through the courtesy of David Ford