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La Meuse

On June 11, 1996 the photo of Nicole Warlet was published with a headline of "Do You recognize the person in this photo?"

It began a chain of circumstances which led to locating Nicole Warlet, now a married mother of three.

   Once Henri Rogister had chatted with Nicole by telephone she sent him this note, which reads:

"Mr. Rogister,

I’m writing to you following the remembrance that you sent from La Meuse on June 11, 1996. In it, you inquired concerning Nicole Warlet, 9 years old at that time, and if I am Nicole Warlet.

When Madame Rockwell visited us, we lived on the Rue de la Chapelle, No. 13, at Verviers. She wanted to go to the grave of her deceased son, and to the area where he was killed.

You can return correspondence with us. Here is my address:

Nicole Warlet-Berg
rue: Moreau 53

telephone: 087/310007

Pleased to meet you,

/s/ Madame Berg-Warlet"

(translation courtesy of Dan French, son of Lt. Jack French, Co D)