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Colors Presented
by members of U.S. Army's 508th PIR active duty unit

Proud and Prouder, Co. B Guidon Bearers From Two Eras
   Soon after the Honor Guard arrived, a Colonel came over to Walter Barrett, and while reading his nametag he said, “I see that you were in B Company of the 508th”... Walter replied, “I sure was. In fact, I was the Guidon Bearer for B Company.”
   The Colonel said, “This is the Honor Guard of the 508, B Company now based in Italy.” He then asked him if he would like to pose for a picture with the group. Of course, Walter was honored to pose with the young soldiers.
   Walter told him that his First Sergeant, Jim Smith in Ft. Bragg, N.C. had recently sent the original B Company “tattered and torn” flag to Italy to be placed in the Archives. Following the war, the flag was carried by 508th Veteran “old timers” in their march at the “All American Week” celebration each year in Ft. Bragg, N. C.
   "The Colonel said. “Tell your First Sergeant that we have it and it is where it should be.”

(Photo courtesy Ellen Peters)

507th PIR
was represented by these modern day warriors
(Photo courtesy Patrick Elie)

508th PIR
was there in force.  Note Guidons for 1st Bn, HQ 1st and Companies A & B.  Company CO's Captains Smith, Ethridge and O'Connor are in the front row. All wear the CIB and Parachutist wings, Smith has a jump star to his credit
(Photo courtesy Patrick Elie)

Brotherly Exchange
Erie Lamson makes a presentation to members of today's 508th, B Co.

Thanks and Farewells
Color Guard member shakes hands with Ernie Lamson

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