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1-508 PIR SITREP for 29 MAY - 11 Jun 17

The focus during the past two weeks was conducting CS-17 fielding, M4 PIP/re-zero, and WFX 17-05. From 04 - 09 JUN 1-508 assumed responsibility for 1BCT in Tbilisi and conducted Mission Analysis, COA DEV, and an OPORD brief at the MTC in support of WFX 17-05. During the previous week, the staff executed a Mission Command Exercise testing our BNs Mobile TOC capability including the use of our EW systems, Raven hand-off with our Scouts, and Air MEDEVAC. Additionally, our FSC conducted M240B qualifications and mounted live fire simulations to prepare them for their Objective T certifying event in August. Finally, the battalion received NETT Warrior training on their new equipment and radios, greatly enhancing the communications architecture and capability within the formation.

We also have great news to report from the Advanced Airborne School. SFC Race (A Co), SGT Mertzig (B Co), and SGT Novy (HHC) successfully passed PWAC and are now brand new Jumpmasters! Additionally 1-508 PIR currently has eight Paratroopers in the current Jumpmaster classes (7x current class, 1x FBGA current class).

1-508 PIR Readiness Statistics:

1-508 PIR - Overall Individual Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M4 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M9 Qualification: 98.1%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Crew Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M240 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M3 Carl Gustav: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Platform Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR 60mm Mortar: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Personnel Non-Deployable: 13%
1-508 PIR MRC-3 Total #: 38
1-508 PIR MRC-4 Total #: 0
1-508 PIR MED Board Total #: 20
1-508 PIR Chapter #: 17
1-508 PIR SRP Packets Complete: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate OR Rate: 94.0%
1-508 PIR Pacing Item OR Rate: 100%
1-508 PIR Overdue Services: 10
1-508 PIR NMC Equipment Over 60 Days: 4
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - Internal: 1
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - External: 2
1-508 PIR Pieces of Excess Property: 25

UAS FY17 Flight Hours to Date: 287 hours RAVEN, 10.5 hours PUMA, 20 hours Instant Eye


1. Marksmanship.

On 02JUN17, 225 x 1-508 PIR Paratroopers conducted a zero range coordinated by Battle Company in order to re-zero their weapons following the M4A1 conversion. Each rifleman confirmed their iron sight and assigned optic zero in order to ensure readiness as Global Response Battalion 1. Key tasks trained included proper firing position, fundamentals of marksmanship, zeroing iron sights, and zeroing assigned optic. The range allowed all personnel is B CO, C CO, D CO, JCO, and HHC/1-508 PIR to maintain a high readiness level by re-zeroing their weapons following the PIP.

On 06JUN17 Juliet Company Paratroopers conducted a M240B qualification on Range 66B as part of a larger training plan in preparation for Vehicle Mounted LFX. The focus of this range was to qualify Paratroopers on the M240B weapons system, so that they can transition to shooting from a mounted platform. The M240B range resulted in all of J CO's gun crews becoming qualified with 11 out of 16 Paratroopers shooting expert. In addition to qualifying Paratroopers, MAT-V's were present so J Co Paratroopers could see the mounting and operation of the Crow weapon system (storyboard attached).

2. Physical Fitness.

On 06JUN17, 1/3/A represented 1Fury in the 3BCT Best Squad Competition. SSG Tow led his SQD of nine Paratroopers to victory, defeating eight other SQDs from across 3BCT by scoring 100 points. The event consisted of a bench press, military press, pull-ups, Rope Bridge, ruck, weapons assembly and disassembly, MEDEVAC, airborne proficiency, and a stress shoot. 1/3/A took no less than second place in every single event. During the last event, the stress shoot, SSG Tow's SQD took the lead and claimed victory. As a result, the SQD was presented with the 3BCT Best Squad Competition Guidon (storyboard attached).

Beginning on 8 Jun, C/1-508 began Platoon led afternoon PT sessions in the BN area that focus on Combat Fitness in an elevated heat index environment. This is in preparation for the BCT JOAX and ultimately JRTC 18-01. While Charlie Company has regularly conducted afternoon PT sessions, these events will specifically focus on combat related tasks in conjunction with the developing summer heat to develop the mental and physical readiness of our Paratroopers.

3. Medical Skills.

On 31MAY17, 49 Battle Company Paratroopers conducted medical training at All-American PZ focused on tactical care. All Paratroopers received a block of instruction on common injuries seen on the battlefield, ways to treat these injuries, and common mistakes when assessing and treating a casualty. Following the instruction, each squad rehearsed loading a litter patient on a UH-60Q. Key tasks trained included needle chest decompression, conducting a 9-line MEDEVAC call, assessing a casualty, applying a nasopharyngeal, non-tourniquet arterial bleeding, applying a tourniquet, and loading a casualty (storyboard attached).

4. Communication.

During 05-06 June, Alpha Company conducted NETT Warrior Training in the Battalion Classroom and the surrounding Battalion Area. The training consisted of a day of classroom exercises intended to familiarize Alpha Company leaders with the equipment that each Paratrooper will receive. Day 2 consisted of practical exercises around Fury Pond. The instructors were able to teach Paratroopers how to properly mount the equipment on each Paratrooper's plate carrier or IOTV. The company learned how to properly use the equipment in order to maximize its capabilities (storyboard attached).

On 09JUN17, 40 PAX from C/1-508 PIR conducted NETT Warrior Class on the operation and maintenance of the CS-17 system. The class taught the setup and login of the End User Device (EUD). It also taught how to monitor others on the network, and the usage of the tactical map application. It taught the recharging procedures for the device and how to operate the new recharging systems. The NETT Warrior class culminated in a final exam administered to the Paratroopers in which the knowledge gained during the class was review by the instructors - Everyone Passed! (storyboard attached).

5. Small Unit Tactics.

On 31MAY17, 1-508 BN Staff executed a Mission CMD Exercise on All American DZ. During the exercise the BN Staff executed multiple functions by utilizing the Battalion's UAS capability, Air MEDEVAC, and Electronic Warfare to coordinate, battle track operations, and de-conflict airspace in an expeditionary environment. The Mobile TOC platform was validated during the exercise, and allowed the Staff to train on how to operate with degraded capabilities, improving our analog products and communication (storyboard attached).

From 30-31MAY2017, SCT PLT, 1-508 PIR conducted a POI on urban surveillance site construction and clandestine infiltration techniques at Afghan Village. The purpose of the training was to instruct Paratroopers on how to conduct R&S missions in an urban environment. The SCT PLT trained on individual and team movement techniques, silent room clearing with rucks (clear/bypass and clear/hold), construction of dark rooms and blackout rooms (surveillance room, communications room, and ruck room), urban antenna construction, sniper hide sights, and urban blowout drills upon being compromised (storyboard attached).

On 01JUN17 J CO conducted RVTT training in order to familiarize Paratroopers with Battle Drills and Convoy Operations. Prior to execution, J CO conducted a review of the TACSOP in order to familiarize Paratroopers with Convoy Operations, Battle Drills, and J CO's internal SOPs. On 01JUN Paratroopers had the opportunity to take turns being Convoy Commander and Assistant Convoy Commander, running through react to contact, recover a vehicle (under fire), react to indirect fire, and react to an IED battle drills. Each Paratrooper also got to rotate through being Driver, Gunner, and TC in order to provide depth to the training (storyboard attached).

6. Mastery of Maintenance.

Over the past two weeks, 1-508 PIR's Maintenance section focused on completing services for nine pieces of rolling stock, and installing repair parts to three dead lined vehicles. The armament section supported the M4 PIP, and repaired 5 PSQ-20Bs. The Maintenance Control Section closed erroneous work orders and services produced during the GCSS-Army conversion and six maintenance personnel conducted TACSOP, weapons, and driver's training in support of the J Co vehicle mounted live fire exercise in August.

Distro Platoon has continued to support the BN by conducting five class V draws and providing 40 meals of class I support to HHC training at Afghan village. Additionally, Paratroopers in the Distro PLT have been training for the J Co vehicle mounted LFX through marksmanship, drivers and battle drill training.

The BN S4 met with DLA this week and scheduled a mass turn-in of excess and code-out property for next week, Tuesday 13 JUN. In preparation for this turn-in DLA is sending a representative to the 1Fury AO to pre-inspect paperwork and educate our supply and maintenance team on their procedures to expedite the turn-in process. Finally, we continue to add 10/20 BII to our deferred status ordering.

The BCT Safety Officer also provided 1-508 with a staff assistance visit ahead of the CORPS safety inspection next week. Safety Chris met with company XOs, the BN safety and motorcycle OICs, our Chemo, and company safety representatives to share best practices and prepare for the upcoming inspection.

7. Airborne Proficiency.

On 05JUN17, 14x C/1-508 PIR Paratroopers prepared and participated in a static display and parachute pull in conjunction with Advanced Airborne School cadre to demonstrate capabilities to approximately 150 personnel associated with the Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army. The Paratroopers received excellent feedback from the civilian staff, who remained at their station longer than their allocated time as they enjoyed interacting with Charlie Company Paratroopers (storyboard attached).

On 07JUN17, 1-508 Paratroopers had the opportunity to conduct jumps from a CH-47 as part of 3BCT ABN Operations. SFC Connell, 2/A Platoon Sergeant, served as the Primary Jumpmaster for Chalk 120. Chalk 120 conducted sustained airborne training at Fury Pond, familiarizing the chalk on how to execute a ramp-side exit from a CH-47 Chinook. The streamlined process of issuing chutes, donning, MACO brief, and JMPI greatly reduced the fatigue on jumpers who only sat in a harness for approximately 30 minutes. Most importantly, this jump enabled us to prevent numerous pay loss Paratroopers that were scratched during AAW.

8. Live Fire Exercises.


School Updates.

1-508 PIR has 54 Ranger-qualified Paratroopers, with another leader, SPC Leischner (A Co) currently in the Florida Phase of Ranger School, with an expected graduation date of 23 JUN.

We currently have 41 Jumpmasters, and seven Paratroopers in the current class that began on 22MAY. On 05JUN17 Alpha Company sent SSG Demars to the FBGA Jumpmaster School.

GRF Operations.

During week 36, 2/D executed a Red Corvette in accordance with the 1-508 PIR standard along with a Platoon layout to ensure the highest level of readiness while on ACF. Additionally, on 01JUN HHC and D Cos took part in a DRC changeover rock drill in preparation for the DRC changeover in training week 38. On 15JUN 1-508 will transition off of GRB1 to GRB3 prior to signing out for block leave.


C/1-508 PIR executed their second weekly Teleconference with the FSR and Acquisitions Officers associated with the NETT Warrior Future Initiatives fielding. Charlie Company has coordinated for equipment fielding following Block Leave, and continues to plan for training exercises that will incorporate the new systems in preparation for the BCT JOAX.

On 07JUN217, 15 x 1-508 PIR Paratroopers interested in attending Ranger School completed a Combat Water Survival Assessment. They completed the event during PT hours at the Twin Lions Pool. The key tasks for the assessment included a 15m sidestroke swim, the "Dawn and Ditch", treading water for three minutes, and a "Confidence Drop" blindfolded off the 3m diving board. The Paratroopers also conducted PT in the water, as well as test their abilities and confidence in the water. Battle Company's success will lead to many more Paratroopers training and improving their confidence and water survivability (storyboard attached).

Over the past week, Juliet Company's SGT Rodriguez and SGT Hamilton (91B) were promoted to E6. Additionally, SPC Juarez was promoted to E5 on 01 June.


On 09JUN, Alpha Company will re-enlist SGT Devlin, SGT Peden, and SSG Tow.

Two Bravo Company Paratroopers SGT Telesh and SGT Villa reenlisted last week. Both are outstanding NCO's who will continue to serve the Army well.

C/1-508 PIR has seen huge success in retention recently, to include over 200% of mission for initial term and 100% for mid careerist, with more enlistments pending. Charlie Company is projected to reach over 250% in each mission. Re-enlistments over the past two weeks include: SGT Woodard, SGT Farris, SGT Clough and SPC Waterman.

On 01JUN17, Alpha Company Paratroopers participated in a capture the flag style paintball competition. The intent behind this training was mix the company with members outside of their team and squad, forcing Paratroopers to link up in Little Groups of Paratroopers and use basic fire and maneuver. The training was unique in that instead of using organic teams with their specific SOPs, this forced elements that don't normally work together to use basic Paratrooper skills to accomplish the mission (storyboard attached).


Over the next two weeks, 1-508 PIR will focus on WFX 17-5 execution, CS-17, GRB 1 transition, and block leave preparation. Additionally in training week 38, we will execute an airborne operation on 12 JUN, CARL-G/AT4 live fire on range 44 the 14-15 of JUN, and environmental compliance and Corps safety Inspections from 12-16 JUN. 1-508 signs out on block leave on 16 JUN for all Paratroopers not engaged in WFX 17-05.


MAJ Adam Scher
1-508 PIR Executive Officer
3BCT, 82nd ABN DIV

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