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1-508 PIR SITREP for 15 MAY - 26 MAY 17

Our focus these past two weeks was on clean sweep and All American Week, celebrating 100 years of this Division's storied history. On 19 May 17, 1-508 PIR with attachments from 307th AEB executed a Defensive Operations LPD for the BCT focusing on defensive operations against a mechanized/armored adversary. The LPD included a practical exercise where each BN emplaced a company team in the defense over imagery of Sicily DZ, emplacing fighting positions, obstacles, and integrating fires.

During the All-American Week competitions 1-508 PIR won the LGOP competition, took 2nd place in combat fitness and shooting, and had champions in their weight class for both boxing and combatives. Overall, 1-508 PIR took the bronze medal in this year's All-American Week competition.

We also have great news to report from the Advanced Airborne School. SFC Race (A Co), SGT Mertzig (B Co), and SGT Novy (HHC) successfully passed JMPI and are now awaiting PWAC! Additionally 1-508 PIR currently has seven Paratroopers in the current class, set to finish JMPI on 13 JUN 17.

1-508 PIR Readiness Statistics:

1-508 PIR - Overall Individual Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M4 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M9 Qualification: 98.1%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Crew Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M240 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M3 Carl Gustav: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Platform Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR 60mm Mortar: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Personnel Non-Deployable: 15%
1-508 PIR MRC-3 Total #: 63
1-508 PIR MRC-4 Total #: 0
1-508 PIR MED Board Total #: 20
1-508 PIR Chapter #: 21
1-508 PIR SRP Packets Complete: 88%

1-508 PIR Aggregate OR Rate: 94.0%
1-508 PIR Pacing Item OR Rate: 100%
1-508 PIR Overdue Services: 10
1-508 PIR NMC Equipment Over 60 Days: 4
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - Internal: 1
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - External: 2
1-508 PIR Pieces of Excess Property: 25

UAS FY17 Flight Hours to Date:

287 hours RAVEN,
10.5 hours PUMA,
20 hours Instant Eye


1. Marksmanship. On 23 MAY 17, Alpha Company participated in the AAW "Three Gun" Competition (1LT West, SGT Peden). 1-508 PIR finished 2nd overall in the competition. 1LT West, OIC of the 1Fury All American Week 3 Gun Team, led tryouts on 08 MAY using the Special Operations Center Mission Training Center Virtual Training Simulator (SOCMTC VTS). Five team members were selected from 15 candidates using a custom-designed scenario that replicates the "Three Gun" competition. The competition consisted of firing three weapons systems, the M4, M9, and M500 Shotgun. Each weapon system was fired utilizing non-standard firing positions, while moving, and utilizing cover. The event rewarded rapid magazine changes and accurate shot groups. 1Fury's team culminated their two week training plan with an outstanding finish (storyboard attached).

2. Physical Fitness. On 11 MAY 17, Alpha Company conducted a 12 mile ruck march on Longstreet Road. This was part of a planned progression, building towards completing a company twenty-five mile foot march later this summer. Additionally, Alpha Company executed their R3P (Ranger Physical Preparation Program) during Week 34 which included an RPFT, 6 mile ruck march, land navigation course, and swim test. On 12 MAY 17, Bravo Company executed a 25 mile ruck march. The company began the event at 0000hrs and marched into the morning. B Co traveled from Nijmegen Drop Zone north to Holland DZ, around the north side of Holland DZ, then paralleled Longstreet back to the Battalion foot print. The purpose of the march was to build resiliency, complete a difficult physical / mental challenge, and build esprit de corps. Chaplain Stamps walked with the company to build relationships with 1Fury Paratroopers and offer a morale boost (storyboard attached). On 15 MAY 17, Charlie company executed a company level PT test to prepare for the upcoming Gavin Cup and to assess the progress since March. Charlie Company saw their PT average increase from a 240 to 255. This score includes partial PT tests for profiles, with some platoons scoring as high as a 267 PT score average (2/C). Additionally, the Company continues to focus on combat focused PT as we develop a glide path to prepare for warm weather training in the BCT JOAX and upcoming JRTC rotation. 1-508 PIR's Combat Fitness Test Team finished 2nd in the Division during the 2017 All American Week. The competition consisted of an 800m Release Run, Movement to Contact focused events including variations of the low/high crawl and buddy carries/drags, and finished with a muscular endurance themed mystery event of ammo can pushes. Even with heavy rain altering the designed course, 1Fury dominated during their assigned day of competition, finishing first in each of that day's heats and 1st overall in the Movement to Contact and Muscular Endurance phases of the competition (storyboard attached).

3. Medical Skills. Air MEDEVAC planning is solidified for two training events occurring next week on 31 MAY 17. Bravo Company has medical lanes in area J that culminate with an Air MEDEVAC. Concurrently HHC is executing a mission command exercise involving our Mobile TOC, Scouts, Medics, and Mortars. Training objectives include airspace de-confliction with indirect fires, UAS, and Air MEDEVAC assets.

4. Communication.
Weeks 33-34 we were focused on CS-17 new equipment fielding. Additionally we received all of our NETT Warrior systems, and will begin equipping and training the battalion in the next two training weeks.

5. Small Unit Tactics.
On 11 MAY 17 Charlie Company conducted a React to contact class. Upon completion of that day's Clean Sweep tasks, 2nd PLT conducted React to Contact Training (BD 1, ADP 3-21.8 as reference) to further develop members of the PLT and familiarize newly assigned Paratroopers. The training was intended to maintain and improve proficiency in the Battle Drill, and prepare Charlie Company Paratroopers for upcoming training this summer in the BCT JOAX and JRTC rotation (storyboard attached).

On 19 MAY 17, 1-508 PIR with attachments from 307th AEB executed a Defensive Operations LPD for the BCT focusing on defensive operations against a mechanized/armored adversary. The BDE leadership gathered at Sicily DZ and received a brief doctrinal overview on the characteristics of the defense. Command Teams then moved to four different positions discussing various fighting positions, obstacle emplacement, engineer planning considerations, fires integration, and engagement area development. The LPD concluded with a practical exercise where each BN emplaced a company team in the defense over imagery of Sicily DZ, emplacing fighting positions, obstacles, and integrating fires. After completion 1-508 PIR briefed our plan for defeating a near-peer attack from a MECH/armored threat (storyboard attached).

On 23 MAY 17, 1-508 PIR executed the LGOP Competition at Green Ramp. Sixteen LGOP teams from across the Division competed in the event. The event began with a competitor's in-brief and graded RIGGEX in fifteen minutes at PAX Shed Two. From the initial RIGGEX, 1-508 PIR was tied for first place with three other teams. Due to inclement weather and extremely low ceilings the CH-47 Airborne Assault to Sicily DZ was not able to take place. To break the four-way tie for first place, the top four teams conducted an equipment layout and a RIGGEX for time. For each item missing from the layout or each rigging deficiency teams received a 30 second penalty. 1-508 PIR won the completion with a final time of 10:47 (storyboard attached).

6. Mastery of Maintenance.

Over the past two weeks, 1-508 PIR's Maintenance Section completed twenty scheduled services on rolling stock, and removed seven vehicles from the deadline report. The unscheduled maintenance section responded to three contact maintenance missions requiring mechanic support on site.

The armament section fixed nine M240 tripods, bringing our total FMC to 45/47 (96%). SPC Arocho was able to fix eight PSQ20B, utilizing the DARTS kit, bringing our numbers to 113/158 FMC. The Maintenance Control Section turned in 20 lines of Reparable/Excess equipment to the SSA, worth over $5k to be returned to unit funds.

The Distribution Platoon closed six CL V documents at the Ammo Supply Point and continued to provide transportation support during AAW to 1-508 PIR.

We also had the great support of 2 National Guard 92A's who were awarded the 1Fury COIN for excellence for supporting the 1-508 PIR team during this week. They inventoried 53 lines of shop stock, and filled in with clerk positions that are unfilled in our MTOE, and helped alleviate the work load during their time with our battalion.

 7. Airborne Proficiency.

High Winds prevented numerous jumps throughout the week.

8. Live Fire Exercises.


School Updates.

1-508 PIR has 54 Ranger-qualified Paratroopers, with another leader, SPC Leischner (A Co) currently in the Mountain Phase of Ranger School, with an expected graduation date of 23 JUN.

We currently have 38 Jumpmasters, 3 awaiting PWAC, and seven Paratroopers in the current class that began on 22 MAY. We are also preparing to send 1 x NCO to the Fort Benning Jumpmaster school scheduled to begin on 05 June.

GRF Operations. On 12 MAY 17, C/1-508 PIR executed an internal inspection in accordance with the 1-508 PIR standard operating procedures, along with a transition brief in preparation for ACF assumption on 15 May. This inspection helped validate Charlie Companies readiness, and allowed leaders to confirm all administrative data to ensure the Company was prepared for this responsibility.


On 25 MAY, HHC will reenlist three outstanding Paratroopers: CPL Mohr, SPC Patino, and SPC Mattey. All three Paratroopers will continue to serve 1-508 PIR and the Army.

On 01 JUN Juliet Company will promote three outstanding Paratroopers: SGT Rodriguez and SGT Hamilton (91B) will be promoted to E6, SPC Juarez (88M) will be promoted to E5.


On 11 MAY 17, 30 members of the 1-508 PIR team gathered for a UMT-sponsored date night at the Mash House in Fayetteville. The focus of the event was to offer a casual and relaxed atmosphere for Paratroopers to work on their relationships. The 1-508 PIR has partnered with the USO to bring monthly date nights for our unit. The 30 x 1Fury family members explored Dr. Gary Chapman's "Five Love Languages" and how they can enhance their relationships (storyboards).

On 22-23 MAY 17, 1-508 PIR competed in the AAW 2017 Softball tournament comprising of 32 teams from within the 82nd Airborne Division. 1Fury had 15 players from all 6 companies competing to be the best. We beat 82nd Sustainment BDE, 1-504, and 2-508 but ultimately lost to 127th ENG, 1BCT in the semifinal. 1Fury placed 3rd in the tournament (storyboards). 

On 23 MAY 17, P6 presented Mrs. Allison Gavin, the wife of A Co commander CPT Gavin, with the certificate of appreciation for volunteer of the quarter for 1-508 PIR. An outstanding achievement highlighting Mrs. Gavin's service and sacrifice to 1Fury.

On 24 MAY 17, 1-508 PIR conducted a memorial stone dedication, honoring those 1 FURY Paratroopers that died while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. To honor these Paratroopers, their names were engraved in memorial stones donated to the Battalion from the 508th Association. These stones are now positioned in front of the Battalion Headquarters building. Paratroopers past and present as well as our Gold Star family members were present for the unveiling. Champlain Stamps gave the invocation and LTC McChrystal presided over the ceremony. Honoring those Paratroopers and their families during All American week allows us to remember their legacy, the sacrifices they made for this great nation, and keep their families close to the 508th family (storyboard attached).


The focus for Training Weeks 36 and 37 will be focused on planning, preparation, and execution of WFX 17-5 beginning on 04 JUN. 1-508 PIR will also field and train on NETT Warrior equipment and go through M4 upgrades on 31 MAY and 01 JUN. 1-508 PIR will utilize the enduring range and range 31 to ensure all M4's are re-zeroed by 05 JUN 17.


MAJ Adam Scher
1-508 PIR Executive Officer
3BCT, 82nd ABN DIV

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