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1-508 PIR SITREP for 10 July - JUL 17

The 1-508 PIR SITREP for 10 JUL –23 JUL 17 is below for your review.

Over the past two weeks, 1-508 completed LTP at Fort Polk, LA while the rest of the battalion focused on physical fitness, individual and crew marksmanship training and live fires, CS-17 fielding, and readiness preparation for the upcoming DRE and BCT JOAX.

We also want to thank the air crews from B Co 3/82 who supported our Airborne Operation on 18 JUL. Jumpers staged, donned parachutes, and loaded 2 x CH47 at MONROE PZ. 813 x Paratroopers from every battalion in 3 BCT, as well as members of both division and corps staffs, participated in the operation. All jumpers exited safely. The Airborne Operation was supported by the 1-508 PIR FRG, and multiple Paratroopers had the opportunity to reenlist on the aircraft.

We have great news to report from Fort Benning. Alpha Company’s SPC Lieschner graduated from Ranger School on 14 JUL! SPC Lieschner is a motivated junior leader with incredible potential. He is prepared to return to his squad and lead a fire team with distinction. His example is one we expect other young Paratroopers will follow.

1-508 PIR Readiness Statistics:

1-508 PIR - Overall Individual Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M4 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M9 Qualification: 98.1%
1-508 PIR Aggregate Crew Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M240 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M3 Carl Gustav: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Platform Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR 60mm Mortar: 100%
1-508 PIR Aggregate Personnel Non-Deployable: 11%
1-508 PIR MRC-3 Total #: 86
1-508 PIR MRC-4 Total #: 0
1-508 PIR MED Board Total #: 25
1-508 PIR Chapter #: 17
1-508 PIR SRP Packets Complete: 91%

1-508 PIR Aggregate OR Rate: 95.0%
1-508 PIR Pacing Item OR Rate: 100%
1-508 PIR Overdue Services: 2
1-508 PIR NMC Equipment over 60 Days: 16
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - Internal: 3
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - External: 5
1-508 PIR Pieces of Excess Property: 27

UAS FY17 Flight Hours to Date: 287 hours RAVEN, 10.5 hours PUMA, 20 hours Instant Eye


1. Marksmanship.

On 11 JUL, Delta Company Paratroopers conducted M240 marksmanship at RG 51. 33 x Paratroopers in total trained dismounted, turret mounted, and CROW mounted marksmanship. The training effectively prepared this lethal team for gunnery scheduled in late August (TW 49).

From 12-13 JUL, Alpha Company Paratroopers executed a known distance range at range 62B. 78 x Paratroopers engaged steel targets using their assigned weapon system and ACOG from 285-485 yards with a coach spotting. A Co leaders used the event to identify Squad Designated Marksman( (see storyboard)).

Also on 13 JUL, Alpha Company qualified 25 x Paratroopers on the M9 pistol. For many of the shooters, this was their first opportunity to fire and qualify on an M9. A Co mortar-men, machine gunners, and ACP guards were given the opportunity to execute the Alternate Pistol Qualification tables to further train and increase proficiency with the weapon system ((see storyboard)).

13-14JUL, 83 x Charlie Company Paratroopers participated in Advanced Rifle Marksmanship at Range 42. Platoons conducted dismounted movement to Range 42, rotating through day iterations of a firing table which stressed multiple types of cover and firing positions. Each Platoon also conducted platoon level patrolling classes and exercises in Area J while continuing to test Future Initiatives Equipment. Each Platoon conducted a night iteration of the same firing table. The event concluded with a dismounted exfiltration back to the Company Area, incorporating the establishment of Platoon ORPs during the movement (see storyboard).

2. Physical Fitness.

On 14 JUL, 74 x Paratroopers from Bravo Company conducted a Best Platoon Physical Competition. The competition consisted of three events: a 2 mile race to the Obstacle Course in kit, a timed run through the obstacle course, and a pugel stick round robin. The successful team building event boosted moral, and provided a challenging workout (see storyboard).

3. Medical Skills.


4. Communication.

From 10-14JUL, 4 x Fury Paratroopers continued Capability Set 17 Validation of the PRC-154A radios with end user devices, and the PRC-155 radios with cross-banding capabilities. Radio checks included generating radio configuration files from J-TNT computers to load directly to radios, Loading of SRW and SINCGARS COMSEC, and Cross-banding between waveforms. (see storyboard)). Additionally, 1-508 delivered an additional 12 x vehicles to the WIN-T yard and continues to make progress through the first phase of CS-17 validation exercises.

5. Small Unit Tactics.

During 10JUL-13JUL the scout platoon conducted Reconnaissance & Surveillance SOP Density at training areas Y2, AA1, NTA8, and X1. The training taught newly selected Scouts the fundamental SOPs of recon team and sniper team operations. Key tasks trained at AA1 included construction of sub-surface surveillance sites, sniper final firing point (FFP) occupation and camouflaging, tog camouflaging, stalking lanes, target detection lanes, and individual movement techniques (see storyboard)).

From 11-13 JUL Juliet Company Paratroopers conducted mounted maneuver battle drills at Freedom City in preparation for vehicle movement live fires and JRTC. The focus of training ensured paratroopers could properly perform react to contact, react to an IED/UXO, react to a downed vehicle (under fire), react to indirect fire, and establish a LZ/HLZ. In addition to maneuver training, Juliet Company leadership emphasized reporting requirements and mission command functions. Training culminated with single vehicle Movement Live Fire (see storyboard)). On 18JUL Juliet Company Paratroopers conducted HEAT simulator training. The focus of this training was expose Paratroopers to roll-over scenarios, and how to avoid them. (see storyboard)).

On 12 JUL 20 x Paratroopers from the Battalion Mortar Platoon executed Call for Fire training in support of 307th ENG’s LPD. Key tasks included target identification, grid and polar missions, subsequent corrections, and battle damage assessment. Concurrent training conducted included observation methods under adverse weather conditions and terrain dependent fuse settings. The training exercise was supported by 2 x 60mm section and a total of 100 rounds were fired without incident. The Mortar gun teams consistently maintained expert time (see storyboard)).

On 18 JUL, 9 x Paratroopers from 2nd PLT Bravo Company participated and won the 3BCT Best Squad Competition. The competition started with the All American Mile Obstacle course which included the additional tasks of donning their assigned Pro Masks and completing the obstacle course as a squad. Following the All American Mile, all squads were required to complete a RIGEX within 15 minutes to standard. The last event of the Best Squad Competition was an inspection of each Paratroopers packing list in their rucksacks. (see storyboard)).

Following the airborne operation on 18 JUL, 92 Charlie Company Paratroopers participated in Platoon STX at Afghan Village. Platoon leadership taught classes on LDA and ODA crossing, conducting an ambush, and establishing a patrol base. Following the classes, each Platoon was given time to rehearse and prepare to execute an ambush. Platoons then conducted ambush lanes that incorporated mounted and dismounted OPFOR (see storyboard)).

6. Mastery of Maintenance.

Over the past two weeks the Maintenance Section has focused on repairing and preparing 1-508 vehicles for CS-17 integration. The Maintenance team completed ten unscheduled vehicle repairs and three planned services (1 truck, 1 generator, 1 trailer). Our wrecker team also conducted two recovery operations. With the support of the LRC, our armament section was able to repair nine PVS-14s and two PSQ-20Bs. Deferred ordering continues on ZPARK as B Co finalized over $43K in shortages identified during change of command inventories. Furthermore, the sustainment team published the BN operations order and scheme of maneuver for the upcoming maintenance stand-down week. All pieces of equipment will receive a 10 level PMCS during the stand-down period and the battalion human resources and medical teams will execute an internal SRP in preparation for deployment to JRTC in September.

The Distribution Platoon continued to support the BN by conducting five class V turn-ins and two class V ammo draws at the ASP and provided 782 meals of class I support to the BN during the airborne operation on 18 JUL.

On 17 JUL, SSG Hamilton held a refresher class on PMCS of the HMMWV and LMTV for Motor pool NCOs and line company operators.

7. Airborne Proficiency.

On 18 JUL, 1-508 PIR conducted a rotary wing jump supported by 2 x CH47s from B CO 3/82 CAB. The Jumpers staged, donned parachutes and loaded aircraft at MONROE PZ and dropped on Sicily DZ. 813 x Paratroopers from every battalion in 3 BCT, as well as members of both division and corps, participated in the operation, significantly contributing to the Brigade’s currency and proficiency in airborne operations. All jumpers exited safely. The Airborne Operation was supported by the 1-508 PIR FRG, and multiple Paratroopers had the opportunity to reenlist on the aircraft (see storyboard)).

8. Live Fire Exercises.

From 8-9 JUN, 35 Paratroopers from the Battalion Mortar Platoon executed a Shoot House at Range 62A. Key tasks trained included enter and clear a room/building, exterior movements in urban terrain, communication while maneuvering, and target discrimination. Concurrent training conducted included enter and clear a building as a Squad. The purpose of this training was to generate adaptive and agile mortar-men capable of giving their commanders multiple options for tactical employment in future operations (see storyboard)).

School Updates.

We currently have 38 Jumpmasters, with eight Paratroopers in the current JM course.

On 14 JUL Alpha Company’s SPC Lieschner graduated from Ranger School. Currently, 1-508 PIR has two Paratroopers in Ranger School: 2LT Keck (HHC) is preparing for Day 1 next week, SPC Lucci (A Co) is in Mountain Phase, and we are scheduled to send 8 Paratroopers to the next SURT class beginning on 24 JUL.

GRF Operations.

1-508 PIR is currently on the GRB3. During training week 43 the Battalion executed a Red Corvette to validate the alert roster. Companies continue to ensure that their Paratroopers individual gear and equipment is prepared for the DRE and part of the maintenance stand down program of instruction is focused on ORS preparation.


From 11-12JUN2016, 25 x 1-508 PIR Paratroopers from Bravo Company conducted a Team Leader Academy. All Team Leaders from the company participated in this two day event which focused on administrative areas including: NCOERs, writing skills, awards, counseling statements, and information on the role of the Inspector General. The training was conducted in the Bravo Company Classroom. Each Team leader left the training with an increased knowledge base of the administrative requirements of a non-commissioned officer (see storyboard)).


On 18 JUL, three Charlie Company Paratroopers were reenlisted by LTC McChyrstal on board a CH-47, just prior to exiting over Sicily DZ. Afterwards, the jumpers were able to enjoy some family time with the FRG (see storyboard)).


Over the next two weeks, 1-508 PIR’s focus will be CS-17 fielding and validation, while simultaneously executing the DRE and the BCT FTX. The Battalion will return from the field and begin recovery operations, preparing for Division’s Maintenance Stand Down in training weeks 46 and 47.



MAJ Adam Scher
1-508 PIR Executive Officer
3BCT, 82nd ABN DIV

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