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1-508 PIR SITREP for 24 July - Aug 17

Over the past two weeks, 1-508 PIR focused on the execution of the Deployment Readiness Exercise (DRE) and BCT JOAX. The battalion completed the 96 hour sequence and deployed in support of Operation Panther Storm. Through the nine day exercise 1Fury showed that they were ready, empowered, and disciplined to accomplish any mission given. Also During this time, 1Fury continued Capability Set 17 fieldlings, validating and integrating the new systems into the JOAX.

We have great news to report from Advanced Airborne School. 1-508 had 3 Paratroopers, SGT Day (B Co), SGT Layton (B Co), and SFC Steenbergh (C Co), pass JMPI. After completing PWAC on 22 AUG, 1 Fury will welcome three new Jump Masters to the team.

1-508 PIR Readiness Statistics:

1-508 PIR - Overall Individual Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M4 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M9 Qualification: 98.1%
1-508 PIR Aggregate Crew Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M240 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M3 Carl Gustav: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Platform Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR 60mm Mortar: 100%
1-508 PIR Aggregate Personnel Non-Deployable: 12%
1-508 PIR MRC-3 Total #: 69
1-508 PIR MRC-4 Total #: 3
1-508 PIR MED Board Total #: 23
1-508 PIR Chapter #: 17
1-508 PIR SRP Packets Complete: 91%

1-508 PIR Aggregate OR Rate: 97.0%

1-508 PIR Pacing Item OR Rate: 100%
1-508 PIR Overdue Services: 365
1-508 PIR NMC Equipment over 60 Days: 11
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - Internal: 3
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - External: 3
1-508 PIR Pieces of Excess Property: 21

UAS FY17 Flight Hours to Date: 294 hours RAVEN, 10.5 hours PUMA, 20 hours Instant Eye


1. Marksmanship.

1-508 PIR was able to zero and qualify 24 new Paratroopers during the DRE at the enduring range, ensuring that we were 100% percent prior to jumping into Atropia.

2. Physical Fitness.

1 Fury paratroopers demonstrated a tough and disciplined level of physical fitness during incredibly stressful combat scenarios during the JOAX. Fundamental core strength enabled paratroopers to exit aircraft with minimal injuries, speed and agility overwhelmed the enemy on the airfield, while hardened endurance carried our paratroopers through a tough defense and hard-hitting air assault.

3. Medical Skills.

On 24 JUL Battle Company executed a Hot Weather injury class lead by the Company's Medical Team. The class focused on signs and symptoms of Hot Weather injuries, as well as actions that individual Paratroopers can take to avoid being a Hot Weather injury.

On 24 JULY- 2 AUG, the battalion medical platoon conducted Health Service and Support Operations during the JOAX. During the exercise the Medics were able to treat, triage, and evacuate more than 20+ real word and notional casualties in support of defensive and offensive operations. This training significantly improved the medical platoon’s ability to respond quickly, and treat each patient effectively with the appropriate amount of care. The lessons learned will pay dividends when the battalion deploys to JRTC (see storyboard).

Following Charlie Company’s jump onto OBJ BRAGG (Sicily DZ) during phase 2 of the operation, C Co had 3 injured Paratroopers that could not make the dismounted movement to their offset objective, OBJ BURNSIDE. The Company and Battalion executed evacuation from ACP 2, thus testing and demonstrating the capabilities of medical evacuation to support a follow on mission in a time constrained environment.

4. Communication.

Battle Company used the JOAX as an opportunity to test the new CS-17 Radio system (Rifleman Radio 154s and the 155s). The system accompanied with the End User Devices provided great shared understanding for Battle Company’s leadership and was instrumental during the defensive phase of the operation. Battle Company continues to work to integrate the new systems as well as train on how to properly maintain and use them in a variety of situations.

Battalion leadership and Charlie Company continued to test the Future Initiatives communication equipment during the JOAX. The company saw huge success incorporating this new radio/hardware into their BN TOC, CO HQs and platoon formations. This new communication equipment significantly decreased any superfluous reporting between BN and Company level CPs for the purposes of FLOT awareness, and/or progress of mission.

We have only scratched the surface of this capability. The system as a whole (end user devices, radios, tablets with MC at company and BN level) is dramatically changing the way we process/share information. During the culminating event, a BN Air assault, intelligence collected by BDE SIGINT and IMINT was received by the BN TOC, immediately displayed on the User Device Common Operating Picture and matched with explanatory text messages viewed by all (all while the assault force was inbound on rotary wing). This immediate shared understanding allowed key leaders to share information, adjust to the enemy and pass targeting data through CH-47 crews to AH-64s (which engaged and destroyed enemy targets prior to infill). The system serves as a collaborative planning tool, enroute mission command system, and common awareness tool enabling precise fire and maneuver while in contact. We can say with confidence that this equipment, combined with paratrooper ingenuity, is making us exponentially faster, agile and lethal.

5. Small Unit Tactics.

On 26 JUL, 80 x Battle Company Paratroopers conducted CBRN training on how to properly don the JSLIST and M50 Pro-Mask. Additionally they learned how to employ the MOLLE CBRN Hydration Kit. Key tasks included: proper fit and wear of the JSLIST in sequence according to FM 3-11.4, proper fit and wear of the M50 Pro-Mask, utilizing the MOLLE CBRN Hydration Kit, capabilities of the JSLIST, and an inspection of each Paratrooper’s protective equipment. At the end of the training, each Paratrooper was confident in utilizing each item of equipment in a hazardous CBRN environment (see storyboard).

On 26JULY-2AUG, 1-508 PIR Paratroopers executed the JOAX in vicinity of Sicily Drop Zone. The battalion conducted a Joint Forcible Entry on to Sicily DZ, expanded the lodgment, established a defense, and finally conducted BDE Air Assault to complete the exercise. Key tasks trained included assembling minimum force to seize initial objectives, establishment of a defense with engagement area development, and conducting a BN Air Assault.

Battle Company served as the isolating lead force during the JFE. Battle Company then transitioned to the Expanding of the Lodgment where 2nd PLT supported Charlie Company's seizure of OBJ Burnside (Afghan Village). With completion of expanding the lodgment Battle Company assumed Defensive Positions vicinity Little Engineer Airfield (far Northern end of the BN defensive line). Through combined efforts of Battle Company and B/307th ENG no enemy SAPA forces penetrated along the Northern Defensive line. Battle Company properly reacted to numerous forms of contact during this defensive operations to include a SARIN Gas attack where all members of Battle Company properly donned Pro Masks and JSLISTs. Battle Company's CJOAX Operation ended with acting as the BN DO during the BN Air Assault onto the FLS Compound on Holland DZ (OBJ Longstreet). Battle Company seized 6 buildings in the compound inflecting 10 EKIA.

During their time in OBJ BURNSIDE (Afghan Village), Charlie Company was able to focus on the squad level patrolling after building up a perimeter defense. The Company began with standard R&S patrols during their EA development, and was able to transition to full squad patrols prior to leaving the objective. This allowed SLs to lead their own patrols to include briefing Task and Purpose, contingencies, and provided SLANT/PATROL reports.

D Co Paratroopers gained valuable experience in many areas but saw the most growth through repeatedly executing the seven steps of engagement area development. Additionally, they had the opportunity to incorporate many engineer assets in the construction of battle positions for the defense. Executing deliberate defensive operations paid tremendous dividends during a couple of large engagements with the OPFOR, as Paratroopers learned first-hand the benefit of continuing to make improvements to their positions as well as the importance of conducting rehearsals in the defense.

HHC Mortar men assembled and emplaced 3 x 81mm as a part of Team Fires for the first 36 hours during the JFE phase of the operation. The Mortars transitioned into the BN organic fires with 2 x 120mm and 3 x 81mm as the Expansion of the Lodgment began until the Change of Mission. Prior to the BDE ABN insertion, the SCTs conducted route and area reconnaissance & surveillance from the DZ to OBJ Burnside, enabling C CO with real-time intel for their assault, and pinpointing concealed enemy gun positions for AWT targets. The Recon and Sniper teams directly enabled the Battalion during the defense by infiltrating into enemy territory to pinpoint enemy movement, staging points, vehicle drop off points, and provide early warning of the Enemy’s main assault.

6. Mastery of Maintenance.

During the JOAX, Delta Company experienced issues with two different vehicles and one weapon, but was able to work with Juliet Company to fix them and rapidly get them back into the fight. Overall, weapon systems and vehicles operated reliably while in the field and enabled us to focus on defeating the enemy. Following the JOAX, the battalion conducted Day 0 and Day 1 of recovery operations, prior to moving into Week 46.

7. Airborne Proficiency.

1-508 PIR had 129 Paratroopers execute a night, mass tactical combat jump onto Sicily DZ as a part of the BCT JOAX. The BN jumped, assembled, and seized multiple assault objectives including the FLS buildings and Afghan village.

8. Live Fire Exercises.

Juliet Company conducted a convoy live fire exercise on Range 63 this week, with support from the 82nd Sustainment Brigade. All 6 crews consisting of 3 Paratroopers each qualified on the convoy live fire range. Additionally, all 18 Paratroopers were able to conduct a familiarization fire with mounted MK19s provided by the Sustainment Brigade. This training was an incredible combat multiplier for J Co and 1-508PIR and will significantly enhance J Co’s ability to run LOGPACs to the rifle companies during JRTC.

School Updates.

We currently have 38 Jumpmasters, with 3 Paratroopers who have passed JMPI and are awaiting PWAC on 22 AUG.

Currently, 1-508 PIR has one Paratrooper in Ranger School: SPC Lucci (A Co) is in Mountain Phase. The battalion has 4 Paratroopers in the current SURT class: SPC Synder (A Co), SPC Layton (B Co), SPC Day (B Co), SSG Ortwein (HHC).

GRF Operations.

During Week 44, 1-508 PIR participated in the DRE, covering the 96-hour out-load sequence. By moving 52 vehicles through this sequence, Paratroopers rehearsed critical steps necessary to make this happen more efficiently.




On 13 JUL, Chaplain Stamps hosted a BN date night to 30 Paratroopers and their spouses. Marriage resilience and relationship skills were the topics of discussion with a specific focus on “Love and Money.” All participants had a great time, and Fury families strengthened their personal relationships.

On 21 JUL 17, 1-508 PIR had the opportunity to meet and have lunch with CSM (Ret.) Rock Merritt, a 1-508 PIR WWII honored veteran. The group, consisting of Paratroopers, NCOs, and Officers gathered at the 3BCT DFAC, to learn from CSM Merritt’s storied army career (see storyboard).

Battle Company promoted 3 outstanding Paratroopers on 3 AUG (CPLs Fishbaucher, Moncrieff, and Temple to SGT). SGT Wing of 2nd PLT passed the board during the CJOAX. SSG Hargett re-enlisted for stabilization.

SSG Woodard, an outstanding leader in Charlie Company, will re-enlist on Monday, 07 AUG.


The next two weeks we will focus on the Division Maintenance Stand Down, ensuring our personnel, weapons, and vehicles are ready for JRTC.

Major John Intile
1-508 PIR S3 3BCT
82nd ABN DIV

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