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John Sternesky
Co I, has a big smile for the camera as he stands in the doorway of the Heddernheim apartments.

Information Desk
was situated outside the Frankfurt RR station as many GI's on furlough would have arrived in Frankfurt via train.
(courtesy  Wes Kuehle - cropped)
Hey Taxi!
USFET approved taxis could be taken to local attractions from this spot outside the Banhof.
(courtesy  Wes Kuehle - cropped)

Three Buddies
[l-r] Regimental Sergeant Major  Frank Slaughter, NCO Club Manager SSgt Nick Nichols, TSgt Bob Chisholm, Co I, pose in Heddernheim ca. 1946.

Pvt Clarence V. Lewis
HQ 2nd, poses for the camera at the wishing well behind the Heddernheim apartments in March 1945.
Clarence hailed from Akron, Ohio
(courtesy Irv Shanley)

TSgt D. Zane Schlemmer
Platoon Sgt. Mortar Platoon, HQ 2nd, at Heddernheim, during the summer of 1945.
(courtesy Irv Shanley)

Gathering Wood
a lady pushes a cart over a cobbled street

(courtesy of Steve Gass)
News and Views
508ers read their Devils Digest, hot off the press.
(courtesy of Carl Smith collection)
Coal Burning Car
frugality and ingenuity led some German to convert his conventional engine to operate on steam generated with a coal-fired burner
(courtesy Rex Combs collection)

Lt Homer Jones [left] and Lt George Lamm
   Jones won the Silver Star while Lamm was awarded the DSC and the Silver Star with one OLC.
   No wonder they both look so confident.


Dining Alfresco
in Germany, 1945 are Stanley Nordwall [l] and George Christ [r], both of HQ 2nd.  Man in center is unidentified.
(courtesy Irv Shanley)


Jack Brammer D Co., [r] and unidentified friend
in Frankfort.  The inscription on the back says "Barry Nichols brought this back from his visit to Normandy-50th Anniversary."

(courtesy Barry Nichols)

George Schairer
joined by two friends, date and location unknown but George is wearing the Orange Lanyard which was awarded in 1945 so the location may be Frankfurt
(courtesy Arthur Rottier)

Ready To Move Out
George Schairer and others wearing full field pack. Location and destination unknown.

(courtesy Arthur Rottier)


SSgt Eugene A. McMillan (Co A) sent this photo home as a postcard.
   Dressed in his Honor Guard attire, he sports ribbons for the Bronze Star and Purple Heart with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters as well as the Presidential Distinguished Unit Citation.  Missing is the French Fourragére which he qualified for.  (Belgian Fourragére may also be missing).