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Modern Era Photos of Men of The 508th

Albert W. Holdford
received his BS in Education from Youngstown College, Youngstown, OH in June 1954. He then began teaching at the Roosevelt School
Raymond Holub
Co E, 1946
[courtesy of Al Howell]
Donald B. Hollis
(3/508 ARCT)
Kenneth H. Hook
(Co A) was a POW after being captured in Normandy
(courtesy of Serge Vandenbroeck)

Kenneth H. Hook
(Ca A, POW)
Keith B. Householder
served with A Co, 2/508 from 1975-1979.
Keith B. Householder
in honor guard at Arlington National Cemetery.
James B. Howard
(Hq 1st)
William Howard [L] and Jim Wynn
Howard snuck into the Army at age 14 and he was found out at age 16 while the 508th was in Ireland.  When contacted, his mother gave her permission for him to remain in service.
William S. "Babe" Howard
[Co G]
Harry Hudec with Mme Dorey Gilbert
of Picauville.  She was 17 years old when Harry was wounded in 1944 and took refuge in her family's barn.  She recognized Harry on this return trip and recalled that he had been wounded in the leg. Photo is undated.

Back at The Scene
An arrow marks the doorway where Harry was hidden out after being wounded in Picauville

Harry Hudec

[Hq Hq] June 6th, 2004 at the La Fière  D-Day festivities
(courtesy of Bill Nation)

Raymond and Alice Hummel
Johnnie S. Humphrey
Co C (1945-46)
Maxwell C. Hunter
(Co E, 1945) in a University of Miami yearbook photo, 1949
Elroy V. Huwe
was in the 501st for WW-II but transferred to 508th, 3rd Bn in March 1945
Floyd R. Hyatt
(Hq 1st)

BG Arthur S. Hyman
was a company commander with the 508th ARCT


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