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28 MAY TO 15 JULY 1944

 (12 of 19)

23 June 1944 1155 hour --- M/2 to Div. Morning Reports up. -- S-1
1220 hour --- M/3 to all Bns send shell reports in immediately. -- S-2
1320 hour --- M/4 to CO.  Overlay of defensive position. -- 3d Bn
1345 hour --- M/5 to CO.  All cal ammo cut to 1/2 unit of fire per day. -- G-4
1400 hour --- CO and Exec to crossroads at 260390, Exec to go to 1st Bn CP.
1510 hour --- Medical Blotter received from Div.
1510 hour --- CO and Exec inn.
1520 hour --- Bn COs and staff in meeting.
1610 hour --- Meeting over.
1640 hour --- M/6 to S/4.  Submit material status reports 241200. --- G-4
1640 hour --- M/7 to 2d and 3d Bns.  Have S-3s report to CP at once. -- CO
1700 hour --- Lt. Russell called to assist Adj. on awards and decorations.
1800 hour --- M/8 to Div.  Memo and situation overlay. -- CO
1800 hour --- M/9 to Div.  Vindefontaine occupied. -- CO
1900 hour --- Patrols sent out by s-2.
2000 hour --- 2000 hour --- Four bags of first class mail received.
2200 hour --- Div. recon plan overlay to all units.
2335 hour --- M/10 to Div. Enemy situation. -- s-2
2335 hour --- M11 to CO.  Chemical warfare situation.  -- Div.
2340 hour --- M/12 to CO.  Interrogation report. --- 505
2400 hour --- Some small arms fire to our north.  Weather fair; morale excellent; strength 1201.
24 June 1944 0100 hour --- Artillery fire quite active.
0700 hour --- CO out to all Bns.
0750 hour --- M/1 to Commo.  Information sheet. -- Div.
0800 hour --- Notified that we are to move sometime today.
0825 hour --- Request status of medical supplies from the Medics.
0900 hour --- Major Todd, Art. Off into CP.
0930 hour --- CO in.
0930 hour --- Meeting of Bn Cos and staff with CO.
1037 hour --- M/2 Enemy situation sent to 3d Bn.
1200 hour --- Quartering part sent fwd.
1300 hour --- CP to move forward at 1500 hour.
1314 hour --- M/3 to CO. Advance CP open at 242916. -- 505
1400 hour --- Rear train not to move forward.  Rear CP will slay intact until phone commo is established with fwd CP, then will move up.
1400 hour ---- M/4 to S-2.  Shell report. 3d Bn
1500 hour --- CP group departed from CP on foot.
1540 hour --- Arrived in new CP location.
1550 hour --- CP established at 261982.
1620 hour --- Rear CP moved forward.
1630 hour ----2d Bn CO into CP.
1700 hour --- 3 in guns set up just behind us, the blast from them is terrific.
2000 hour --- S-3 attempting to get 3 in guns moved, too good an artillery target.
2055 hour --- M/5 to Commo.  Signal equip to be turned in. -- Div.
2100 hour --- 3 in guns quiet, moved.
2200 hour --- M/6 to Div.  G-4 Report. -- S-4
2345 hour --- Water point at 273908.  G-1 Report received from 3d Bn.
2400 hour --- artillery laying heavy firee on Hill 131. Weather clear; morale excellent; strength 1142.
25 June 1944 0100 hour --- Artillery still active.
0800 hour --- CO to Div.
0830 hour --- S-3 2d Bn to CP.
0900 hour --- CO in.
1000 hour --- S-4 in from Rear Train.
1030 hour --- M/1 to Div.  Morning Reports sent to Div. -- S-1
1100 hour --- Adj. took completed awards to Div.
1300 hour --- M/2 to all Bns.  G-2 Reports.--  S-2
1200 hour ---- Little enemy action.
1300 hour --- 1st Sgts call, cheeked all available records with them.\
1300 hour --- Request situation report from all Bns.
1430 hour --- M/3 to Div.  Status Report. -- S-1
1400 hour --- Meeting with Bn COs and Staff with CO.

- 1z -

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